About This Project

In a bay Leucàsia, a siren of milk white skin and icy beauty, petrifies innocent creatures waiting to claw into her next victim. Goddess Athena, whose temple rests at the top of the promontory, is left puzzled by such unjustified acts. One day, a melody attracts Leucàsia to the shore where she encounters Melisso, a shepherd. Her power has no effect on him. Melisso’s heart is in fact devoted to another woman, Aristula. His love shields him from the siren’s advances. Leucàsia is gradually taken over by jealousy when she spots the couple making love some time later. Due to the rage, her tail splits in two. Twice as powerful as before and thirsty for vendetta, the siren makes the lovers drown in a storm.

Animation technique


Production company

Country of production

Claudia A. Cazzato
Director & Producer
Mette Ilene Holmriis